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shenmi meiren

even the dull and the ignorant have their story to tell...

Currently reading

Czerwony pył
Ma Jian
Progress: 64/285 pages
The Rise Of Endymion (Hyperion Cantos #4)
Dan Simmons
Progress: 120/580 pages
Big Breasts & Wide Hips: A Novel
Mo Yan
Progress: 200/500 pages
Natsuo Kirino, Rebecca Copeland
Progress: 30/463 pages
Bailout Nation, with New Post-Crisis Update: How Greed and Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook the World Economy
Barry Ritholtz

Les misérables

Les Miserables - Victor Hugo, Lascelles Wraxall I remember reading this book aloud for my grandmother (like: 12 years ago? @@) I've found it enchating and fascinating. It certainly has a quality of storytelling hard to come by nowadays. Some aspects of the story, some characters and events seem rather abstract of illogical - I found it hard at first to make the mental leap necessary to understand some behaviours of the characters - but that'a a by-product of our times (our values and motivations and even common concepts would've been quite abstract in the times of Hugo). Still - a captivating tale, definitely worth reading!